Saturday, January 1, 2011

Counting down: 9989 hours

I feels great to have a new year resolution that span out over several years. So before the start of the new year, I've already been chipping away part of the 10,000 hours I set out to achieved.

It definitely does give a sense of having your feet on the solid ground and walking step by step towards your goal. My new year resolution at least for this and next 2 years is to become a accomplished J2EE developer.

Personally, I feel one of the ways to "upgrade your skills" is the copy what others are good at and apply it and become better than what others are doing as time goes by. This is what the Japanese do best and give them the edge over other countries in the 20th century. This comes to the need for design patterns. Design patterns provide developers to better communicate their ideas across and working with designs that are already recommended for its ability to adapt to changes.

Over the next few post, I will discuss the several popular design patterns. Below is a Amazon link on Head First Design Pattern book. This is one I really enjoy very much. Better than a story book I would say. Stay tune for my next post!

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